CV.Berkat Cahaya Plastindo - Jual Karung dan Waring
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Karung Ukuran 75X113 Jm - Karung Gabah - Karung Jagung - Karung

Rp. 123
Last Updated
29 Aug 2023
Country Origin
Minimum Order
500 Pieces
Grain Sacks
Selling grain sacks has promising prospects. The practice of selling sacks of grain is an integral part of the agricultural industry. One of the important packaging in the agricultural industry is grain sacks. Grain sacks function as a container for packing grain that has been produced by farmers and is ready to be marketed to various regions in Indonesia.
Ensuring food safety is important. The process of selling grain sacks plays an important role in achieving this goal. By facilitating the purchase of quality sacks, the food supply chain can become stable and easily accessible.

Advantages of Plastic Grain Sacks

Grain sacks have different shapes and materials depending on the area or farmers who produce them. In general, grain sacks are shaped like a bag with a standard size of around 50 kilograms. The material used to make grain sacks is net cloth or plastic.

Net cloth is often used by farmers in rural areas, while plastic is used more by farmers in urban areas. The advantage of using plastic in grain sacks is that they are waterproof and stronger so they don't tear easily. Plastic is also easier to find and less expensive than mesh fabric.
The action of selling sacks of grain not only provides a container for packing grain, but also has aesthetic value that can attract buyers. Some farmers use grain sacks with interesting motifs and have the farmer's logo or name as a product identity. This aims to attract the attention of buyers and increase the selling value of the product.
In addition, grain sacks are also one of the factors that affect the quality and durability of grain. By selling clean and dry grain sacks it can maintain the quality and durability of the grain so it can last longer.

Specifications of Grain Sack that We Sell

75x113 JM (Sewing Mouth) diner 600
We are a plastic sack factory in East Java that not only provides grain sacks, but other products. Contact us right now for more information!
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